Mother Nature’s Gift to Gardeners and Growers

What is Volcanic Wonder?

Volcanic Wonder is a revolutionary 2 in 1 product: a 100% natural plant food and chemical soil amendment made from a rare type of crushed volcanic rock. It is OMRI listed for use on all organic crops. The unusual origin and small particle size in Volcanic Wonder leads to superior plant nutrition and nutrient availability for your plants. Chemical tests indicate critical plant nutrients in Volcanic Wonder such as Silica and Iron are readily soluble. The available micronutrients and trace elements in Volcanic Wonder, along with natural vermiculite, make it a perfect solution to re-mineralize your soil for promotion of plant growth and health.

Where does Volcanic Wonder come from?

Volcanic Wonder is one of a kind. It is produced from a rare type of Volcano related to Kimberlites and Lamproites. The magma that fed the volcano originated at great depth within the earth, adding minerals from the surrounding rock as it rose through Earth’s crust. When this magma erupted at the surface in the mountains of West Central Idaho, its unusual mineral composition made it very susceptible to chemical breakdown. Chemical processes during eruption and later weathering led to a rare combination of minerals that make Volcanic Wonder so unique.  Wildcat Diversified Investment LLC is the sole producer in the world of this rare and beneficial commodity.

What Volcanic Wonder can do for you?

Volcanic Wonder is truly a new approach to agriculture.  It is applied one time a season, unlike other products that require multiple applications yearly, saving you time and labor costs. Depending on the amount applied and the crop, benefits have been seen for up to 3 years. Volcanic Wonder produces BIGGER, STRONGER and HEALTHER PLANTS.  Field testing has shown that Volcanic Wonder:

·         Increases plant growth and overall yield

·         Increases biomass and phytochemical production

·         Improves the strength and overall health of plants

·         Increases fruit count, size and quality

·         Protects crops from nutrient-related disorders during and after harvest

·         Significantly improves nutrient distribution

·         Protects plants against extreme environmental stresses-including cold and heat stress.

·         Improves soil health and facilitates beneficial plant/microbial relationships